The other day, I was sitting in the car next to my mom. We were stopped at a red light, in the middle of the smelly, dirty, shopping center we know as the Cumberland mall. As she talked to my sister, and my sister ignored her as usually, I was fixated on the sight in front of me.
I watched the cars go by, for 10 seconds that felt like an hour. For the first time, I realized a disturbing, amazing, extraordinary, shrinking, truth.
I every one of those cars, there is a human being. A human being with an entire life story, and an entire destiny that I know absolutely, positively nothing about. They go about their lives as I go about mine. The human race moves, it chugs and clinks like the parts inside a steam engine, as one.
I will, never, ever get to have a face-to-face conversation with everyone on planet earth. But I sure as hell want to try. I want to travel, almost as much as I want to make movies about the people I meet. I want to learn their stories, their routines. I want a little sip of their destiny soup, and mix all the flavors I've tasted into some ugly, gorgeous, delicious stew. The ultimate film, realized...
I'm only a freshman in high school. Why am I rushing my life? I'm laughing right now.
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